Thursday, March 25, 2021

Finding the Path. . . A New Journey

Angel Numbers. . . It’s funny because I’m pretty good with numbers in multiple ways, but numerology never appealed to me. When I first heard about Angel numbers, I really thought it was just a different way to describe numerology, or that it was only about repeating numbers like 111, 4444, 77777. But I’m learning that’s not really the case. Lately—and here “lately” encompasses almost the entire past year—I have been seeing a particular number almost daily. At first, my number was four digits, and in looking up the meaning of this number it is quite significant in both the timing of its arrival and timing of its shifting into a smaller part of itself.

Let me explain. . .

About a year ago, my path shifted slightly. And, unbeknownst to me, the shift it took was putting me more in line with dreams I’ve had since I was a girl. Around that same time, I started looking at the clock at 12:34 almost daily. Sometimes twice a day. At first it was just a cool thing to notice, but as I traveled further down this path, I realized this was an Angel number.

So I reached out to groups and looked it up using suggested resources. But I’ll tell you, knowing the meaning of this number at that time didn’t help. You see, this number is essentially the sequential significance of each digit individually. And when you put them together, it signifies a path. I was only just taking my first steps on this path, so the true meaning, even with the knowing of it, wasn’t available to me yet. I could read the words, sure, but I couldn’t embrace and embody them.


1 — A fresh start. A new phase in life. Motivation. Self-leadership. Initiative. 

2 — Faith and trust. Communication. Work on improving my communication with people. 

3 — Faith in self. Faith in my own abilities. Faith will help me achieve my goals and connect me to my angle guides.

4 — Hard work. Determination. Organization. Honesty and traditional values. 

It goes deeper than that because there are other number combinations within 1234 that break out to have significant meaning, but I’m not going to get into that. I have a different focus here. . .

A few months ago, while still seeing 12:34 regularly, I also began to see 34 by itself more frequently. This was on the clock—some days almost hourly—and in other parts of life, like receipts, pricing, and other totally random places. 

34. Thirty-four. 

But what does it mean? So, I looked it up. . .

And I was blown away. Blown away enough to sit and write this entry describing this period in my life. 

Let’s go back to that slight shift in my life’s journey about a year ago. As I said, when I first looked up 1234, I was just beginning this new path and couldn’t grasp the meaning on the deeper level it was meant for. But when I decided I’d seen enough 34s these past months and decided to look up that number, I was ready for the meaning to resonate. And holy crap did it resonate. 

34, at its very base level, symbolizes using creative energy to achieve one’s desires and life purpose. It goes on to describe those of us who receive this angel number as people who often leave creative works unfinished, and tells us this habit needs to be recognized and acknowledged, and then changed. We do this, most likely, because of the fear of rejection or inadequacy. 

I need to embrace my fear and push through it. Complete those forgotten creative projects gathering dust on the craft table, or tucked away in a file that starts with Z so I never see it. 

In doing this, however, I cannot take on too much. I need to not carry the burden of others’ responsibilities, and must allow them to bare their own weight. Thus I make time to enjoy the things that bring me joy. I make time for mental self-care.

Angel number 34 is a message from the angels and Ascended Masters, asking me to call on them for help. Talk to them about my desires and fears, and they will find ways for me to receive the answers. I need to pay attention to my higher self and intuition, and remember the power of positive thought to create good. 

And above all. . . TRUST. 

This has been a themed message for me as of late. Trust. Trust myself. Trust my higher self. Trust my intuition. Trust my guides. Trust the process. Because all the things I desire are coming to me. The season may be long, but it will all be worth it in the end. 

When that word was sent to me, it came through an incredibly gifted woman. She said the word in a live video, and it was like a chime was struck in my soul. 


Before that, I had begrudgingly chosen “growth” as my word for the year. “Expansion” also felt right because it’s more rounded, less linear than “growth.” And that’s what I want and what I’m striving for, expansion in all directions. But when El said “Trust. . .” I heard, “Trust yourself. Trust the process. And be patient.”  I felt the chime reverberate through my body and soul. 

It was only after this message that I understood the meaning behind the Angel Number meanings. . .

1234 is simply there to tell me that I’m on my path. The right path. The path my soul came here to take. I must have faith that this path is leading to my dreams, but I will also have to work. This ride isn’t free. 

34 is telling me to tap into the one thing I’ve always believed was my gift. Perhaps the only thing I’ve always believed in in myself. My creativity. Creativity is the one thing I’ve always held close to my heart as a gift from God. Creativity allows me to escape without leaving or being sedentary. 

Spider comes in here, too. She shows up to tell me to let my creativity flow. To stop holding it back. She tells me to write. 

And 34 tells me the same thing. . . With an old story haunting my driving time. A vision I want to paint as a gift for a friend. Pick it up, dust it off. Finish it. 

And then move on to create more. Open myself to the creative energies zinging all around me. I can see them in the beauty of Gaia, the trees, the wildlife. I can hear them in the wind, in the rain. I can feel them charging the air around me. 

Great things await me. Perhaps not riches in the form of off-shore-worthy bank accounts. Perhaps not yearly vacations to exotic places. But great things await me nonetheless. In the form of true wealth. Wealth that is relaxation, love, happiness. 

This blog may be transforming into something more than it was. I’m pretty attached to the brand that I’ve created here, such that it is, but I’m on a path now. A real path. One who’s destination I can see even if the how is withheld. And I want to share it with whomever wants to read my tale. Perhaps my words will inspire someone else to take action in their own life. 

Until later, my friends, I wish many blessings upon you. 

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