Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Yard Excavation Finishing Touches

As many of you know, this gardener didn't have one this year due to excavation throughout our property.  My husband started the project because we couldn't get a contractor to show up, and the one's that did gave ridiculous quotes.  ($22k?!  Are you kidding me?)

But finally, we found one that did show up, at least part of the time, and gave a very reasonable quote.  He did around the house, pulling out all the over-grown and dying bushes and weeds without the use of chemicals to kill everything first.  (One contractor wanted to do that, but I wasn't having it.)  This guy and his worker busted their butts to pull and dig everything out.  They even saved a big chunk of the zebra grass for me.

They edged the beds with aluminum, laid a thick felt over the ground, and covered it with river rocks.  We love the look and the promise of a low maintenance garden bed.  (This gardener doesn't do flowers, so perennials that require little care will be planted after more research.)

After they were washed, the stones were very appealing.

This same landscaper finished off what Tom had stared in the back yard.  We had enough rain to fill a pond since the excavation had started, so any semblance of top soil was gone, leaving a rocky mess.  A "rock hog"--or something like that--was used to clean up the rocks and even out the slope.  It also worked to loosen the dirt for seeding.

Rock Hog in action



So, my garden is now seeded with grass.  But not to worry.  When the ground is tilled in the spring, the new grass will provide organic nutrients as it breaks down, providing a natural compost.  I also plan to bring in a few trailers full of my secret ingredient--and the reason for my blog name--before settlement on the house next door.

It may require a bit more landscaping in the garden area--behind the garage still needs to be done--but I'm developing plans for that.  Dear Husband isn't fond of my deck garden, and wants me to move my herbs.  So, aside from a few staples that will remain in pots on the deck, I plan to create a beautiful garden around my chicken coop.  

Progress is always good!

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